How to Make almost Anyone Love Brussels Sprouts

I am pretty passionate about a few (okay, a lot of) things.

Coffee. Yoga. Music. Peppermint-ness. Sustainability. Brussels Sprouts.

Seriously, these things are amazing. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, these adorable mini cabbages got a bad name. I have a good feeling it’s all because that one guy (or gal) who didn’t really know how to enhance their deliciousness. Perhaps they also missed the bus on how great for you Brussels sprouts are.

How to

If you’re passionate about Brussels sprouts too and want to make (or gently convince) your family and friends to love them as well, read on for some advice on the situation. Perhaps you are said family member or friend who doesn’t like Brussels sprouts; if so, I have an inkling that you just haven’t had a truly good Brussels sprout. In place of “them” below, just insert, “yourself,” and you’ll be golden.

Tell them this

“Brussels sprouts are amazingly healthy.”

Like its other siblings in the Brassica family, the Brussels sprout is packed full of vitamins and nutrients. I know we hear this about a lot of things – but seriously – they are great for you.

Here’s why:

  • They reduce inflammation, and thus can combat and even prevent cancer, including bladder, breast, colon, lung, prostate, and ovarian cancer.
  • They’re great for digestion. Because of their fiber content (1 cup contains about 4 grams), they aid in digestion, can prevent constipation, and even fill you up so you don’t overeat.
  • Vitamin K – promotes healthy bones
  • Antioxidants, including Vitamins A, C, and E are found in Brussels sprouts.
  • Vitamin A – maintains eye and teeth health and is essential to reproductive organs.

“They’re mini cabbages!”

Mini Cabbage

Seriously, did you just look at this photo? They’re adorable! How did cabbages get so tiny? Why are they so cute? It doesn’t matter, as you dissect them in preparation for feasting, you’ll find yourself cooing over their miniature-nes.

“Brussels sprouts can be are delicious.”

It’s true! Because of that aforementioned gal (or guy) who didn’t prepare Brussels sprouts to enhance their beauty, lots of people are convinced that they’re disgusting. I’m pretty sure the tables are slowly turning on this myth, but it’s one we’ve got to work together to overcome.

Cook them this
Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe via This Original Organic Life


2-4 cups Brussels sprouts, chopped into 1/2-inch chunks

Olive oil

Salt & pepper, to taste

Cayenne, to taste

Parmesan Cheese, grated (optional), to taste


1.) Preheat oven to 375

2.) Prep Brussels sprouts by removing any dead or browning leaves. There will likely be some that need to be removed.

3.) Chop off excess end & then chop Brussels sprouts into small chunks, about 1/2 inch thick. I usually cut mine into fourths, but if I have a larger sprout, I may cut them a few more times.


4.) Place into baking pan – drizzle with olive oil, salt & pepper, and cayenne (all to your own taste). You can leave out the cayenne if you’re not a fan of spice; I love the kick it gives :)


5.) Bake in oven for 20-30 minutes, until soft and edges are browning (I like them extra brownish for that yummy crunch it gives)

6.) Immediately add parmesan cheese (as much or as little as you want!) while hot. You can also let cool and add the cheese.

7.) Serve hot or cold. I actually really enjoy this dish served cold the next day. All the flavors have then settled and it’s just the best!


Thanks for joining me in my quest to make the world love Brussels sprouts!

Continue reading here: Why This Vegetarian is Considering Eating Meat Again

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