The amazing benefits of gardening

Benefits of Gardening

It’s officially spring here in Minnesota, and I want to share my love for gardening with everyone! One of the best ways to do this is to reel you in with all the amazing benefits that gardening has to offer.

From the infographic above, here are some more details about these 5 Benefits of Gardening:

❀ Gardening encourages us to eat healthy. With all the fresh veggies, herbs, fruits, etc. that the garden produces, we are much likelier to eat well and experiment with new foods and recipes!

❀ Gardening helps us actually save money on food and groceries. The average family that gardens saves about $600 annually by growing roughly this amount in vegetables. Another tip for saving money on meals is by cooking from scratch and using simple, whole ingredients rather than processed, packaged items which tend to be much more expensive.

❀ Gardening is a wonderful form of exercise. Not only can we burn lots of calories by gardening, but it also requires healthy movement in a variety of ways we don’t typically use our bodies in everyday life, leading to more flexibility if done properly.

❀ Gardening allows us to connect with nature, helping us to reduce stress, among other things. Gardening has also proved to be an effective therapeutic intervention in mental health, can boost brain health, and reduce depression symptoms. Horticultural therapy has also helped youth in juvenile rehabilitation centers better manage their emotional and behavioral problems.

❀ Gardening is good for the environment. By growing our own food (without the use of added chemicals), we are helping to reduce the presence of toxic chemicals not only in the food we consume, but also in our air, water, and earth. We also cut down on fossil fuels used to transport food. Things like composting has many environmental benefits and will also help your garden grow beautifully.

Continue reading here: Why This Vegetarian is Considering Eating Meat Again

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